The Programme
1. ‘GLO Travellers’ Membership Programme (“Programme”) is offered and managed at the sole discretion of GLO Travel Limited (“GLO Travel”).
2. The Programme is effective from 08 August 2019 and shall serve as an on-going or continuing Programme offering benefits for eligible Members (“Members”) until GLO Travel determines otherwise.
Membership Eligibility
3. Upon enrolment (see Interpretation) and participation of a tour organised and offered by GLO Travel (“Tour”, see Interpretation), you will automatically become a Member of the Programme. If you do not wish to become a Member, you should inform GLO Travel the same in writing.
4. The Programme is a tier-based programme determined by the number of eligible Tours a Member has enrolled and participated. There are 3 tiers with associated benefits:
Tier 1, White – 1 Tour
Tier 2, Silver – 2-3 Tours
Tier 3, Gold – 4+ Tours
Within 14 days after the end of your first tour, you’ll receive a membership number and automatically be placed in Tier 1, White and be eligible for all the benefits Tier 1 Members receive. Once you participated in a second Tour, you’ll be moved up to Tier 2, Silver upon the completion of your second Tour. If you participated in a fourth Tour, you’ll qualify for Tier 3, Gold upon the completion of your fourth Tour.
5. Tier upgrade and/or all Programme benefits will only be honored upon indication of a valid Membership number in Tour application.
6. Programme Membership is available to any individual participant who completed Tours organised and offered by GLO Travel (including Private or Corporate Tours), but not available to corporations or other legal entities. Multiple memberships are not permitted. Each Member must maintain only one account (with one phone number as record).
7. Acceptance of your Membership and/or the tier your membership belongs to is at the sole discretion of GLO Travel.
8. Membership of this Programme is not transferable and may only be used by the Member. Misuse of Programme benefits, including, but not limited to fraud and misconduct, may result in termination or suspension of membership, or withdrawal of benefits.
Programme Benefits
9. The terms and conditions for these benefits are valid in Tours marketed and offered by GLO Travel only, unless specifically mentioned otherwise.
10. Tour Fee Discount:
a) Members may receive Tour Fee Discount in accordance to the tier of his/her membership status at the time of issue of Tour Confirmation Note. 5% discount will be offered to White Members, 7% discount will be offered to Silver Members and 10% discount will be offered to Gold Members.
b) Tour Fee Discount for Members is not applicable to travel companion(s) without a Membership.
c) Tour Fee Discount for Members is not applicable to the Tours of which Tour Confirmation Notices were issued on/before the effective date of this Programme (i.e. on/before 08 August 2019).
d) Tour Fee Discount may not be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotional offer except Referral Credits retained in his/her Membership account.
e) Tour Fee Discount only applies to the tour fee, but not applicable to other add-on services and/or independent services.
f) GLO Travel reserves the right to decide the scope of application of the Tour Fee Discount offered under this Programme.
11. Referral Scheme:
a) Under the Referral Scheme, Members (“Referrer”) are invited to earn travel credits by inviting relative/friend (“Referee”) to enrol and participate in Tour.
b) The Referee (i) must not be an existing Member of ‘GLO Travellers’ Membership Programme, and (ii) must not be a participant of Tour in the past.
c) Upon each successful referral, the Referee may receive HKD200 travel credits for his/her next enrolled Tour. As a referrer, according to his/her membership status on the date of Referee’s enrolment, White Members may earn HKD200 travel credits, Silver Members may earn HKD300 travel credits and Gold Members may HKD400 travel credits. Travel credits will be added to Membership accounts of both Referrer and Referee within 14 days after the completion of the Tour the Referee participated.
d) The Referee shall indicate the valid Membership number of the Referrer at the time of his/her enrolment in order for the Referee and the Referrer to enjoy the benefits under the Referral Scheme.
e) Members may redeem his/her travel credits upon his/her enrolment of a Tour, whereas cannot be exchanged for cash, other products or services. A cap of HKD2,000 is applied to the redemption in a single Tour. Travel credits is not applicable to add-on services and/or independent services.
12. Waive of Entrance Fee to Talks and Seminars:
a) Quotas are limited for talks and seminars organized by GLO Travel. While the entrance fee(s) for Members will be waived, Members shall register on GLO Travel’s website or other channels as required to reserve a seat. Walk-in may not be accepted when all seats are reserved.
13. Hotel Upgrade:
a) Hotel Upgrade will only be applicable to Gold Members starting from his/her participation in the fifth Tour. One travel companion of Gold Member sharing same room in the same Tour may also enjoy this benefit.
b) Hotel Upgrade is subject to availability. This offer cannot be exchanged for cash, other products or services. GLO Travel is not the provider of any of the hotel services herein and makes no representation or warranty in relation to the same.
c) GLO Travel reserves the right to decide the content of Hotel Update including but not limited to the exact dates of upgrade, choices of hotel, types of room, ancillary facilities, additional services, etc.
14. All Programme Benefits have no cash value, and are not exchangeable for cash. Programme Benefits cannot be sold, purchased, assigned, transferred or exchanged for other products or services. GLO Travel is entitled to decide the scope of application for all Programme Benefits.
Personal Data Privacy and Marketing Communications
15. From time to time GLO Travel may collect your personal data including but not limited to your name, gender, date of birth, telephone number, email address and mailing address for the following purposes:
a) to process your applications, subscriptions and registration under this Programme;
b) to provide you with our services and administer your membership in relation to this Programme;
c) to provide you with latest news, promotions and offers in relation to this Programme; and
d) other purposes directly relating to any of the above.
Direct Marketing
16. Where you have given your consent and have not subsequently opted out, GLO Travel may also use your personal data to send promotional materials to you and conduct direct marketing activities in relation to this Programme.
17. If you do not wish to receive any promotional and direct marketing materials from GLO Travel or do not wish to receive particular types of such materials or do not wish to receive such materials through any particular means of communication, please inform GLO Travel in writing.
18. GLO Travel will keep Members’ personal data confidential and only GLO Travel’s authorized parties will have access to and handle Members’s personal data. GLO Travel may disclose or transfer Members’ personal data to service providers and contractors engaged in activities on behalf of GLO Travel within or outside Hong Kong solely for the purpose of facilitating the operation of this Programme.
19. Members have the right to contact the data privacy officer via [email protected] to request for access and correction of their personal data held by GLO Travel. A fee may be imposed for processing their data access request(s).
20. GLO Travel takes reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, misappropriation, unauthorized access or destruction of Members’ data. GLO Travel also takes reasonable steps to ensure that all personal data held is accurate, complete, correct and reliable for the intended use.
Exclusion and Limitation of Liability
21. GLO Travel reserves the right to modify the Programme structure, benefits and other features, including these terms and conditions, or to terminate the Programme, at any time. Although GLO Travel will use reasonable efforts to notify Members of material changes to the Programme and/or to these terms and conditions, it is the responsibility of Members to keep themselves up to date in respect of the Programme and these terms and conditions. Any use of the Programme by a Member will be deemed as acceptance of any amendment. GLO Travel and/or its business partners (“Partner”) will not be liable for loss or damage resulting from any amendment to the Programme’ or to these terms and conditions.
22. GLO Travel shall not be liable to any Member for any indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense of any kind, or for personal injury whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the Programme in the provision or the refusal to provide any benefits, and the use of benefits, whether such loss, damage or expense is caused by negligence or otherwise, and whether GLO Travel and/or Partners have any control over the circumstances giving rise to the claim or not.
23. GLO Travel will endeavour to ensure the availability of products and services provided by Partners but will not be liable for any loss arising from the failure by Partners to provide such products and services. Where a Member uses the services provided by a Partner, their terms and conditions will apply and GLO Travel will not be liable for any loss.
24. “Tour” means the tour as defined under Clause 1 -3 of Walk in Hong Kong Limited (Travel Agents Licence No. 353919) Terms and Conditions.
Other Policy
25. GLO Travel reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail the Chinese version, and the Chinese version is only for reference.
26. Should any dispute arise, the decision of GLO Travel shall be final. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and be construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong SAR. All disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Hong Kong SAR.
GLO Travellers 會員計劃
1. GLO Travellers 會員計劃 (下稱「計劃」)是由 GLO Travel Limited (下稱 “GLO Travel”) 全權提供及管理。
2. 本計劃為合資格會員提供一系列優惠禮遇,由 2019 年 8 月 8 日開始生效,直至 GLO Travel 另行指定。
3. 只要曾參加及完成一次由 GLO Travel 推廣及提供的深度旅遊團 (下稱「深度遊」,詳見釋義),即自動成為本計劃會員。如深度遊參加者不欲成為本計劃會員,應以書面形式通知 GLO Travel 。
4. 此計劃採等級制,計劃共設三個會員等級,會員將按曾參加及完成的深度遊數量,分為不同級別。
第一級 (White):曾參加及完成一次深度遊
第二級 (Silver):曾參加及完成兩或三次深度遊
第三級 (Gold):曾參加及完成四次或以上深度遊
參加者在首次深度遊完結後14天內,會獲分配一組會員編號及自動成為第一級 (White) 會員及享有 White 會員專享優惠;當你完成第二次深度遊後,會被升級為第二級 (Silver) 會員及享有 Silver 會員專享優惠;當你完成第四次深度遊後,會被升級為第三級 (Gold) 會員及享有 Gold 會員專享優惠。
5. 會員在使用任何本計劃下的專享優惠或要求更新會員等級前,須出示有效的會員編號。
6. 本計劃會籍適用於任何一名曾參加及完成由 GLO Travel 深度遊的參加者,但並不適用於公司或其他法定團體。每位會員只可擁有一個會籍 (連同一組電話號碼作紀錄),並不可重複申請。
7. GLO Travel 有權自行決定每位參加者是否有成為本計劃會員的資格及其所屬的會員等級。
8. 本計劃之會籍只供會員本人使用,並不可轉讓。若會員不正當使用會員計劃優惠,包括但不限於以欺詐或不當行為,GLO Travel 有權隨時終止或暫停其會籍,或撤回有關優惠。
9. 除另有規定外,本計劃有關優惠及禮遇的條款及細則只適用於由 GLO Travel 推廣及提供的深度遊。
10. 深度遊團費折扣優惠
a) 會員凡報名參加深度遊,可按該團發出成團確認通知當天所屬的會籍級別,獲得相應的團費折扣優惠。White 會員可享 95 折優惠;Silver 會員可享 93 折優惠;Gold 會員可享 9 折優惠。
b) 團費折扣優惠不適用於與會員一同參與深度遊的同行親友 (如該名同行者非此計劃會員)。
c) 團費折扣優惠不適用於本計劃生效當天 (2019 年 8 月 8 日) 或以前已發出成團確認通知的深度遊。
d) 除會藉中累積的推薦人回贈外,團費折扣優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。
e) 團費折扣優惠只適用於申請參加深度遊之用,並不適用於購買自選附加服務及/或個別旅遊服務。
f) GLO Travel 擁有上述團費折扣優惠可適用範圍的最終決定權。
11. 推薦親友計劃
a) 會員可透過推薦親友參加深度遊獲得團費回贈。
b) 被推薦親友須 (i) 非為本計劃會員及 (ii) 從未參加過由 GLO Travel 推廣及提供的的深度遊。
c) 會員 (推薦人) 每成功推薦一名親友,被推薦親友可獲港幣 200 元的團費回贈,於日後報名其他深度遊時使用。推薦人則可按被推薦親友申請參加深度遊當天其所屬的會籍級別,獲得相應的團費回贈。White 會員可獲港幣 200 元回贈;Silver 會員可獲港幣 300 元回贈;Gold 會員可獲港幣 400 元回贈。推薦人所獲的團費回贈,將會在被推薦親友完成其深度遊後,計算入該推薦人的會藉之內。
d) 被推薦親友需在申請參加深度遊時提供推薦人的會員號碼,雙方才可獲此計劃下的團費回贈。
e) 團費回贈可用作參加深度遊之用,上限為每人每團港幣 2,000 元。團費回贈並不適用於購買自選附加服務及/或個別旅遊服務,亦不可兌換成現金或其他產品/服務。
12. 免費參加文化活動
a) 凡參加由 GLO Travel 舉辦之講座、分享會等文化活動,會員均可獲豁免入場費用。但活動名額有限,會員仍需透過網站/或有關渠道登記留位。如活動名額已滿,GLO Travel 可拒絕未有留位的會員參加該活動。
13. 住宿升級禮遇
a) 此禮遇只適用於 Gold 會員,即已參加及完成四次深度遊之會員。由第五次深度遊起計,Gold 會員每次參加深度遊,都可享有一晚酒店住宿升級禮遇 (如該團有一位同房親友亦適用)。
b) 此禮遇視乎酒店供應而定,此禮遇亦不可兌換現金或其他產品或服務。而 GLO Travel 並非酒店服務的供應者,不對其作出任何表述或保證。
c) GLO Travel 有權決定提供此禮遇的確實日期、酒店選擇、房間類型、配套設施、附加服務等多項內容。
14. 上述所有計劃優惠及禮遇不能兌換成現金,亦不能對外售賣、分配、轉讓、交換作其他產品或服務之用。GLO Travel 有權決定本計劃所有人優惠禮遇的可適用範圍。
15. GLO Travel 收集和使用你的個人信息包括但不限於姓名、性別、生日日期、電話號碼、電郵地址及通信地址作以下目的:
a) 以處理本計劃下你的申請、訂閱及註冊程序;
b) 以提供本計劃下的服務及處理你的會藉;
c) 以提供本計劃下的最新資訊、宣傳及禮遇;及
d) 其他與上列任何一項有直接關係的用途。
16. 經會員同意後,GLO Travel 將使用會員的個人信息提供有關本計劃的宣傳及市場推廣資訊,
17. 如會員不願接收來自 GLO Travel 的宣傳及市場推廣資訊,或不願接收特定類型的推廣資訊,或不願從某特定渠道傳送的推廣資訊,須以書面形式通知 GLO Travel 。
18. GLO Travel 會保密地保留會員所提供的個人資料,只有經授權的人士方可准許查閱及處理會員之個人資料。GLO Travel 可能會把會員的個人資料轉交予在香港或境外代表 GLO Travel 從事活動的服務供應商或承辦商。
19. 會員有權電郵至 [email protected] 以聯絡資料私隱主任,要求查閱及修正 GLO Travel 所持有的個人資料。 GLO Travel 或會對會員徵收處理查閱資料要求的費用。
20. GLO Travel 採取合理的措施以防止會員的個人資料遺失、挪用、擅自使用或毀壞;確保保存之個人資料為準確、完整、正確及可靠。
21. GLO Travel 保留隨時更改本計劃架構、優惠禮遇及其他項目之最終權利,包括本條款及細則,或終止本計劃。GLO Travel 會致力將本計劃的重大改變及/或本條款及細則之任何改動通知各會員,惟會員有責任留意本計劃和本條款及細則之改動及更新。會員一經使用本計劃之任何優惠禮遇,即表示該會員已接納任何有關之改動。對於本計劃或本條款及細則的任何改動而導致任何損失或損毀,GLO Travel 及/或夥伴機構概不負責。
22. GLO Travel 不對有關計劃提供或拒絕提供有關優惠以及優惠的使用,而招致會員需承擔任何間接或隨之而造成之任何損失/損毀或開支負責。無論此等後果乃因會員之疏忽而引致,或因 GLO Travel 及/或夥伴機構在所能控制之情況下發生,GLO Travel 及/或夥伴機構概不負責。
23. GLO Travel 將全力確保夥伴機構能提供有關產品和服務,但不負責因夥伴機構未能提供有關產品和服務所引致的損失。當會員享用夥伴機構的服務時,須受夥伴機構的條款及細則所約束 GLO Travel 亦不會負責任何損失。
24. 「深度遊」指根據 Walk in Hong Kong Limited (旅行代理商牌照號:353919) 條款及細則第 1 至 3 條所涵蓋的「旅行團」。
25. GLO Travel 保留修改所有優惠條款及細則或終止推廣之權利而毋須事先通知。本中文版本僅供參考。如有歧義,須以英文版為準。
26. 如有任何爭議,GLO Travel 將保留最終決定權。上述條款及細則須受中華人民共和國香港特別行政區的法律所規管,並須依據有關法律詮釋。任何由本條款及條件所引起的爭議將交由香港法院作出審判。
3/F NO.1 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong